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Sickle Cell Anaemia

Today happens to be the world sickle cell day. A very displeasing disease caused by the parent of the affected patient because of the negligence or ignorance of the parent to know their genotype before they start making babies. Sickle cell is an hereditary disease which result in the abnormal shape of the hemoglobin in the red-blood cell. In this condition they are insufficient  healthy red blood cell. Normally the red blood cells are flexible and round with the ability to move freely through your blood vessels. In the case of the sickle cell the shape looks like a crescent moon or a sickle for harvesting in the farm.  Sickle They become sticky and rigid and block small blood vessels thereby obstructing somebody part from getting oxygenated. The block in the blood vessels cause some pains called sickle cell crisis (SCC).This pain sometimes last for hours or days depending on the patient. Some could experience lots of crisis in a year and some could be hospitalize because of t

How you feel and look when you smile

 Smiling would feel good when one gaze through the mirror and obverse ones teeth. How do one feel when after smiling, pictures of the smile starts trending as a subject of humor on social media because of teeth coloration. It is worth noting  that the true color of the teeth (dentin) is yellow. The more one ages, the outer part of the teeth called enamel gets worn out revealing the true color of the teeth. Nevertheless, there are other factors  that could contribute to teeth coloration which are majorly contributed by ones life style.  One is fluoride intake. Due to environmental factors, one could come in contact with it in drinking water. I really wouldn’t be a part of encouraging one to stop drinking water because of beauty.  sodium fluoride is sometimes included in some toothpaste. It would be a great debate if one starts to encourage the use of chewing stick over toothbrush. Although research has it that chewing stick has revealed parallel and at times greater mechanical

When Hope Unborn is Dead

A merry heart does good like medicine. So does the Holy Book says but how can one be merry when hope disappoints? Now that we are in the Christmas Holiday, it's a general believe that the prices of food and clothing skyrockets and we are still encourage through music to be joyful. Well, konga has made things easy these few days to Christmas. So don't let any circumstance steal your joy (delayed Salary or wages). The hope one has in a medicine go a long way in healing the person. I have seen someone who is used to taking just water when he is sick with the hope of getting well and it always work out for him.  From history, before the discovery of a chemotherapy for malaria, people see malaria  as a curse from  the angel of death. That was why Africa was called  the "White man's grave". But now, people see malaria as just mere fever that even many result in self medication without visiting the hospital but what if they are diagnosed of cancer or HIV/AID? How do yo

Cough in African Traditional Medicine

Cough is a reflex action to clear the throat of mucus and other substance that obstructs the breathing airways. cough is categorize into three: the acute cough which last for less than three weeks, sub-acute which last for between 3 to 8 weeks and the chronic cough which last for more than 8 weeks. The common causes of cough is the respiratory track infection caused by flu or cold. Another cause could be traced to asthma which is a little easy to identify because it comes out like a wheeze and the barking cough which is caused by smoking. Cough caused by smoking is chronic and smoking do a lot of damage to the lungs. Always put in mind the massage on the pack of the cigarette, "Smoking Kills", Don't miss out of the Black Friday bonaza (80% off) so you could check if you could purchase the Traditional item to prepare the medicine i'm about to give out now. In Nigeria, one of the traditional and even quicker way to treating cough is using bitter kola. If you haven'

Dietitian and Health Care

Another good morning to all of our readers and I'll still remind us that the Black Friday Christmas discount is still on with Jumia. Please take advantage of this offer (80% off), it comes once a year. Today we shall be talking about food? what is food? is alcohol food or intravenous fluid (drip)? Before I try to answer these complex questions, let me establish the fact that if you eat the right food, you have a high chances of not getting sick. In TCM, we prefer health maintenance through preventive measure, compare to corrective measures. That is why most people ridicule TCM because they prefer corrective measure. Many countries life expectancy is dropping. Nigeria is 47 years. Check your age and compare yourself to people in that country. The earlier we embrace preventive health, the better for us and nutrition is a bale out. FYI we collaborate with orthodox medicine and we are doing our best to limit most of the side effect from using chemotherapy. Back to the question,

Vital Organ flushing

We had discussed workaholic organ previously on this blog. And all our thoughts was centered on the liver. Nothwithstanding, we shall still talk about the liver, but we shall not exclude the kidney also. It's even highly recommended that one do kidney flush before doing the liver flushing. Liver flush is the process of cleaning the liver of gallstone. It is very beneficial to body because it improves the digestive system and helps to relieve pains from shoulders, arms, back and also improves ones general well being. Liver flush is always preceded by taking in apple juice(It could also be accompany with vegetables) two or three days before the flush. Liver flush is recommended to be done twice a year and it is recommended that one tries to eliminate any bacteria to enable the flush to clean lots of gallstones. We are to start from the month or teeth. We should ensure the teeth is free from bacterial or free metals. The procedure for the flush is not surgical at all, all

Phytotherapy and myth

Writing this post close to Christmas tempts me to remind us about the Black Friday promotion of Jumia online store. The TCM app is linked to Jumia and konga store and many people from our app corner had been complaining about how expensive some of the product we recommend on our blog and app is. Jumia's Black Friday is long and it would be discounting 80% off all the product you buy from  the 13th of this month till the 13th of next month. So looking for an opportunity to get traditional products at rock bottom price, now is the time. There is a popular believe among trado-medicine that there is no ailment which nature haven't provided a solution for; it's just for man to research. Phytotherapy also called herbalism is a natural way of treating ailment by using herbs. If you are a good reader of our post, you would notice we had been discussing African traditional medicine. We had discussed bitter kola, moringa, dogonyaro, bitter leaf. I wanted to talk about ginger toda