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Showing posts from December, 2020


 The 2019 coronavirus is a RNA virus which possess the ability to mutate and change its form. Covid-19 mutation has occurred and it is leading to a second wave. Despite the progress in covid-19 vaccine although there were few case of those who are allergic to the vaccine, the COVID has reappeared in a new form, causing the UK to close its borders to neighboring European countries. The new coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory syndrome of Coronavirus) is shown to be more deadly and life threaten to human existence than COVID-19. Normally viral mutation always lead to a weaker virus and slightly different from the previous one but this is different. Leaving one to study the behavior of this mutated virus. One is concerned if it could reinfect those who were former victims of the virus. What does this say about the vaccine, we have had other RNA diseases such as measles which vaccine had protected individuals for years despite the mutation of the virus. We believe the mutation

Coronavirus Vaccine (would you use it)

 Since the out break of the pandemic, research has been ongoing in finding a vaccine for the deadly covid-19 virus. Since January, testing had been carried out but vitro and clinical trials started in March. And we are about to see the final testing. Pfizer covid-19 vaccine which is one of the vaccines has already been approve by the UK and it's awaiting approval by the FDA. Pfizer is one of the leading pharmaceutical company which vaccine is approved and it is being administered in the UK as we speak. The order of the vaccination would be the front line health workers, the elderly who happened to be more vulnerable to the disease and others. There was one health policy by the Obama administration that allows a micro-chip to be planted into humans to gain access to medical care as soon as it is scanned. Many of the people resisted it, they believed it could be a mark predicted in the Bible (The mark of the beast 666). There is a movement most of the democratic leaders like Obama, B

Ear Barotrauma (Airplane ears).

The ear is one of the most important sense organs of the human body and could be very inconvenient if one gets really troubled with it. The ear is divided into three parts: the outer part, middle and the inner part. The pressure between the out and the inner ears must be balance to cause inconveniences. Ear Barotrauma is a disturbance experience especially when one boards the airplane. It might not be that common but to a certain percentage, it disturbs the ear drum. It occur when there is a change in pressure when one is in the air or water. It is commonly experience during scuba diving in water or in the  airplane when one  ascend or descend the air.   This is different from ear tinnitus which is a symptom of some underlying disease, this could be controlled by little exercise before boarding the airplane or scuba diving. One can decide to chew gum or chew as one enters the environment that changes the pressure between the outer and the inner part of the ears. It usually clears up by