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Showing posts from July, 2019

Macular Degeneration

As one ages, it’s of necessity one keep up with regular medical checkup, especially with the eyes. What we intend to discuss in this post could be maintained if detected early, but if discovered late, there could be no remedy. It could lead to blindness. The Eye A simple way to understand how the eyes works is thus: light rays from an objects hits the cornea (the window of the eyes), it’s been refracted to go through the lens which focuses it to the retina where it’s converted into electrical pulses and sent to the brain. The light of cause passes through the vitreous which is the gel substance that makes the eyes stay its shape, down to the back of the eyes where the retina is found. If one observe the back of the eyes from the figure above, one would discover a part of the eye close to the center of the retina oval in shape called the macular. The macular is responsible for the central, high resolution, color vision just to mention a few. If this is damaged, ones vision coul

Electrolyte Imbalance

The body needs electricity to function properly. Electrolytes are mobile free ion that carries electric current in molten stage. From our little knowledge of the process of electrolysis, we know direct current is produced within electrode when they are connected in a solution having electrolyte which could either be a cation (positive charge) or anion (negative charge). Electrolysis is called a decomposition process, but we are not here to discuss electrolysis but to talk about electrolyte imbalance. Electric current is essential for the body to function and what provides this are called electrolytes. These ions include potassium, sodium, calcium, bicarbonate etc. This electrolytes interacts with the cells in the tissues, muscles, and nerves. Good fruits and vegetable could be a good source of this electrolyte. The balance of these electrolytes are of great essence because The symptoms of electrolyte imbalance can include twitching, weakness and, if unchecked, seizures and heart