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One very pressing question women ask which is not a bad question after all is "How Can I get pregnant?" Some say they don't enjoy sex with condoms. Well all this could be solved if you know your fertility period and your safe period. For those looking for the fruit of the worm, you should be mindful and sexually active during your fertility period. For those in there journey of fornication, please do take note of your safe period.

To know your safe period and fertility period, please study your menstrual cycle for six (6) month. Note your longest and shortest period. For example, if you had your period on the 22nd like the picture above this month, the next month it came on the 20th, and you have 31 days in the month, the days before your next period would be, 24days. If you had it on the 24th then it would be 28days. You keep this record for 6 month. Then you know the shortest and longer days it takes you to see your period.

Now to get the first day of your fertility period, those looking for a child please take not and don't make your husband travel or tired to have sex with you this period. You substract eighteen (18) from the shottest days you saw your next period. Like from the illustration above, the shortest is 24days. If we substract 18 from 24, we get 6. We start our counting from the last month one saw her period. Using the illustration above, the day she saw her period was on the 22nd. Now we shall count 6 days ahead and it would lead us to 28th of that month. Starting from 28th, if the lady above is looking for the fruit of the womb, she has high chances of getting pregnant.

We would also need to know the last day of the fertility period. One would check the longest days before she saw her next period. Like in the case study above, we have 28days. One would still have to subtract, but this time 11 from the longest days of her next period which is 28 in our case. So substracting 11 from 28 we get,  17. We would also need to count from when she saw her last period. This time it is on the 22nd.  If we count properly, the last day of her fertility period would end on the 7th of the next month if we have 31 day in the month of her last period. Here is where the fornicators comes in. After 8th of the next month, it is considered a safe period. But if you want be very careful so you don't face the trauma of having unplanned pregnancy, you could decided to wait 3 days after the last day of fertility to clear unnecessary errors.

This post was majorly written for those who want to get pregnant not those seeking to experience the fun of unprotected sex. It takes once in a lifetime to be tight so learn to keep your chastity.


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